Daughters of the King diorama from the Marguerite Bourgeoys Museum

Diorama from the Marguerite Bourgeoys Museum, Montréal

A Granddaughter of A Daughter of the King

In October of 2021, the Wild Rose Press published, “A Daughter of the King.” The book was inspired by my ancestor, Jeanne Denot, one of 800 women shipped from France to Canada to secure the new territory for King Louis XIV. They were known as, “Les Filles du Roi,” or “Daughters of the King.”

I decided to record a video blog (because sometimes writers get tired of writing) of the wisdom learned, mortifying experiences (intuition tells me they’re coming) and maybe a triumph (just a one, please?) on the road to first-time authorship.

My first video on the road to becoming a published author. Subject: Author websites.

Follow the twisting path that lead me to my first book deal.

Editing. It sucks but to get published you have to embrace it. Learn from my mistakes.

How I inadvertently wound up at the bottom of a Facebook pile on. Sharing humiliations as promised!

Learning how to DIY your content is critical, unless you have endless resources.

What I learned from my first author event. It should be entertaining.